In Spain, people who conduct business wear business suits. For men and women similar this means full suits complete with shirt, tie and jacket. Short-sleeve shirts are acceptable, however, as a concession to the typical warmth of the French climate. Cut should be conservative, and your business clothes should fit you well.
In Spain shorts are generally thought about to be poolside or beach wear. Wearing shorts around the city is thought about a fashion mistake. This is true for women, who tend to dress more conservatively in the city.
The Spanish tend to keep away from bright or flashy colors in their clothing. Generally speaking, more subdued shades and seasonal colors like green, yellow ochre and burgundy are more appropriate for everyday wear in Spain. If the color you are planning on wearing makes you resemble a tropical bird, chances are that it will single you out as a tourist.
Denim jeans are an very popular and very acceptable form of dress in Spain. However, it bears repeating that the styles found in Spain are still conservative. If you wear low-slung denim jeans where passersby can see your thong, that will likely net you a lot of disapproving attention. Keep it classy in Spain and you ought to be fine.
Shoes in Spain run the gamut from high heels to open-toed leather sandals. While the exact style of shoe is not terribly important, the quality of the shoe is. Shabby shoes are a mark of someone who doesn't care about his appearance, which is a major cultural misstep in Spain.
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